Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Understanding Forex Statistics

Once you become somewhat familiar with how the forex market works, and you understand to a point what is involved in trading on the Foreign Exchange Market, you would want to start to gauge market trends in order to profit from your bausiness ventures on the open market.

The name of the game is statistics, and the first rule is that you must be aware there is no such thing as a sure thing on the forex market. While you can never be 100% sure at any given time of the next move that will be made on the market as a whole, being able to read statistics and interpret them will place you ahead of the pack in regards to “guessing” what will happen next.

Forex trading is a lot like gambling. If you can keep track of the cards that have already been played, you are more informed, statistically, regarding what is likely to be dealt next, meaning you can place a bet with greater insight than someone who has no clue what has already been played. With the forex market, if you have information as to what has already occurred over the past few days, months, or even years, you are again placed in a better position to more logically conclude what will happen next. You simply learn the pattern and follow it to the end, reaping the financial rewards.

Charts And Chartists

Wait, did you think you were going to have to research and map out the market’s past all by yourself? Of course not! There are people who get paid to do that sort of work. They monitor the market hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly so that they can provide big-time traders with the same knowledge mentioned before. The more a trading company knows about the market, the more money they can make.

The best part of this is that you have access to the same information as these VIP clients. Chartists, who are essentially market analysts that publish their findings in easy to read charts, produce what is referred to as a candlestick charts. These charts are basically a combination of a line graph and a bar graph that show the trend of various stocks, indexes, or other interests over a specified period of time. Therefore, you can easily determine if the currency is on an uptrend or if it is taking a downturn, when the last major change occurred, and how long it is predicted that the currency pair will continue on the current path.

If your broker does not supply you with these charts, then you should easily be able to draw them yourself with the modern day charting software or trading platform that you get from your broker. These software platforms can draw most charts for you by entering a couple of parameters and viewing the result.

It is recommended however that you learn at least the basics of charting and statistics before you start trading live.


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Adsense Tips and tricks

Well, there are so many adsense tips floating around. Still thought of compiling a list, from my own experience and from whatever I leaned from a lot of resources.

1. Adsense Heatmap
It may be told a number of times, but let me repeat - Adsense heatmap works!! I have increased CTR for a forum by almost 4 times by having ads just after the first post!

Here is the heatmap:

and heatmap for forum:

2. Use channels

Channels are great tools to track your performance. Use channels for each ad position and name them logically -"homepage-header-banner". Keep an eye on the performance over a period of time, say one week. Don't be afraid to experiment. Change the colors, blending, size and see which one perform best.

3. Section targeting

Are you not getting relevant ads on your site? Dont worry, you can use section targetting.
Keep your most important text inside section targeting tags:

Your text goes here.

For more info, please visit:

4. Less is More

Are you getting $0.03 clicks? Probably you are using too many ads on a single page. Even though google allow you to plance up to 3 ads on a page, better keep it to one or maximum two. That is the best way to make sure that your clicks get paid more. Make sure that the location where you get maximum clicks will be the first one to display ads. To make it clear, there should not be any ads above your best location, when you see the HTML source code.

5. Blend Your Ads

Blending the ads to your site converts the best. You may opt for the same background color as the site, same text color etc.

Another tip: Dark background colors and light fonts work best. For eg: Balck background and white text, for both your site content as well as ads. You may have a slightly different font color for ads(say yellow) to get noticed. It may not be easy on your visitors, but it converts well. if you are not expecting too many repeat visitors, this may be a good idea.

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Forex History

Did you know that more and more business opportunity seekers worldwide are
discovering the powerful profit potential of Foreign Exchange trading? In this
business, there are no employees to hire, no advertising, no products to stock,
no downlines to fill--just you, an Internet connection and a computer. That's all
you need to make money on the worlds largest market. If you are searching for
an alternative to more traditional home-based business opportunities, then Forex
trading may be what you’ve been looking for.
Our purpose is to empower, mentor and train currency traders all around the
world who would like to Day Trade Forex as their main source of income. For
those looking for a significant part-time income, we believe Currency Trading is
the vehicle to use. Our aim is to assist you to:
1. Stay Disciplined—To learn how to manage risk effectively.
2. Keep Objective—To trade in a non-emotional, intelligent way.
3. Trade with Confidence—To know exactly when to trade.
4. Become Systematic—To generate your own Forex buy/sell signals.

Currency exchange is very attractive for both the corporate and individual
traders who make money on the Forex - a special financial market assigned for
the foreign exchange. The following features make this market different in
compare to all other sectors of the world financial system:
• heightened sensibility to a large and continuously changing number of
• accessibility to all traders in the major currencies;
• guaranteed quantity and liquidity of the major currencies;
• increased consideration for several currencies, round-the clock
business hours which enable traders to deal after normal hours or during
national holidays in their country finding markets abroad open and
• extremely high efficiency relative to other financial markets.
This goal of this manual is to introduce beginning traders to all the
essential aspects of foreign exchange in a practical manner and to be a source of
best answers on the typical questions as why are currencies being traded, who are
the traders, what currencies do they trade, what makes rates move, what
instruments are used for the trade, how a currency behavior can be forecasted and
where the pertinent information may be obtained from. Mastering the content of
an appropriate section the user will be able to make his/her own decisions, test
them, and ultimately use recommended tools and approaches for his/her own

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