Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Facebook dapat menjadi pemicu penyebaran penyakit kelamin

Facebook dapat menjadi pemicu penyebaran penyakit kelamin
yang dikatakan oleh ahli kesehatan beberapa waktu lalu di London. Penyakit seksual itu adalah sipilis dan raja singa. bagaimana mungkin facebook mempunyai hubungan erat dengan penyakit seksual seperti sipilis dan raja singa.

Diakatakan bahwa para ahli kesehatan di London tepatnya di Sunderland, Durham dan Teesside, virus tersebut meningkat 4 kali lipat dengan adanya jejaring sosial facebook ini. Facebook di kalangan masyarakat london sangat populer sebagai alat komunikasi. dari fakta yang ada Facebook disinyalir membuat orang-orang berkomunikasi lebih mudah, saling merayu, kemudian bertemu untuk melakukan aktivitas seksual.

Kepala kesehatan setempat Professor Peter Kelly menyebutkan, stafnya menemukan keterkaitan antara situs jejaring sosial dan peningkatan kasus sipilis, terutama hal ini banyak terjadi pada wanita. Kelly tridak menyebutkan secara rinci, data-data mereka yang terkena sipilis, melainkan dalam bentuk statistik yang menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah pasangan yang bertemu untuk melakukan seks melalui situs ini.

Di Teesside, setidaknya tercatat ada 30 kasus sipilis tahun lalu. Namun jumlah itu belum secara keseluruhan, dan kemungkinan akan terus bertambah. Riset yang dilakukan di Sunderland, Durham dan Teesside ini mengungkapkan bahwa sekira 25 persen penduduk disana kerap mengakses Facebook lebih sering ketimbang wilayah Inggris lainnya.

Semoga facebook tidak membuat dampak negatif di indonesia tercinta ini seperti dapat menjadi pemicu penyebaran penyakit kelamin. Walaupun sudah pernah terjadi insiden di Indonesia facebook disalah gunakan sebagai media prostitusi.

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kunci jawaban Ujian Nasional bocor

Kunci jawaban Ujian Nasional bocor, terjadi di kabupaten dan Kota Bima. Bagaimana mungkin itu bisa terjadi? kenyataanya para siswa di daerah tersebut dengan leluasa mendapatkan kunci jawaban itu dan dari berita saya dengar kunci jawaban itu nyaris 100%. Para siswa mendapatkan kunci jawaban tersebut dengan melalui sarana komunikasi via sms.

Sangat disayangkan bukan lagi-lagi setiap tahun kunci jawaban Ujian Nasional Bocor. Padalah ini masih hari ke 2 pelaksanaan Ujian nasional. Parahnya, menyebarnya kunci jawaban ini tidak saja melalui handphone siswa, sejumlah siswa di SMA 1 Kota Bima bahkan kedapatan membawa kertas kunci jawaban yang disembunyikan di dalam topi. Namun pihak sekolah melarang media untuk melakukan peliputan dengan alasan agar psikologi siswa tidak terganggu.

Dari informasi diatas terlihat jelas sekali bagaimana moral pendidikan kita masih jauh dari kata-kata jujur. Tahukah sobat semua tingkah laku seperti ini nantinya akan berkealanjutan untuk kedepannya dapat sangat membahayakan. Dan contoh hasil nya nantinya adalah tercetaknya ahli korupsi yang mumpuni.

Sebagai seseorang yang ikut mensukseskan Pendataan Ujian Nasional (3 minggu vakum gak ngeblog) khususnya di jawa tengah, saya sangat terpukul sekali dengan informasi tentang kunci jawaban Ujian Nasional yang bocor. Bagaimana mungkin bisa terjadi, padahal menurut pengalaman saya dan fakta yang ada di lapangan soal ujian itu di jaga ketat oleh polisi, pengawas ujian, TPI (tim independen) serta panitia ujian 24 jam nonstop. ini buktinya brow

Semoga dengan inseden yang lagi lagi terjadi di dalam pelaksanaan ujian nasional ini dapat menjadi pelajaran bagi dunia pendidikan. sukseskan pendidikan

silahkan jika ada unek-unek mohon meninggalkan komentarnya dibawah terimakasih

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Google Insights Indonesia

Sebagai seorang blogger tentunya mendapatkan pengunjung yang banyak sekali adalah impian yang harus dipecahkan bukan. Terus bagaimana agar kita bisa mendapatkan informasi yang sering di cari di google atau search angine lain. beberapa waktu lalu saya mendapatkan jawabanya setelah mencari dan mencari akhirnya ketemu dengan google insights.

Google insight adalah salah satu fasilitas yang dibuat oleh google, tentang yang sering dicari oleh pengguna internet tentunya. Apalagi bagi seorang yang pemburu traffic pasti mereka tidak asing lagi dengan google insight ini. Dengan ini mereka bisa melakukan analisa agar blog mereka terindek dan nangkring di page 1 di mesin pencari dengan kata kunci yang sering dicari.
Sebagai contoh yang mengambil sample untuk indonesia apa yang sering dicari dalam 7 hari ini di google insight indonesia, dan hasilnya seperti ini :
Dari gambar diatas ternyata yang sering dicari adalah cerita panas, waduh ternyata sobat blogger semua pengguna internet indonesia sering mencari cerita panas sobat hehehehe. Oke semoga info ini bermanfaat buat kalian yang belum tahu, dan yang sudah tahu tentang google insights ini tidak salahnya memberi komentar tentang trik menggunakan google insights ini.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Terbaru: Gmail kontekstual gadget dari google

Hari berganti hari dan minggu berganti minggu. Akhirnya aku bisa update postingan terbaru dengan judul Terbaru: Gmail kontektual gadget dari google yang segera akan rilis. Maaf sebelumnya buat sobat blogger semua, karena lewat chat box dan koment belum saya balas. Dikarenan suatu hal saya belum bisa update status untuk blog ini.

Tentang Gmail kontekstual gadget dari google, Google akan segera membuka Gmail gadget kontekstual sebagai titik ekstensi baru untuk pengembang. Sebenarnya apa yang nanti ada didalam gadget ini. Kontekstual gadget ini akan sangat menarik bagi pengguna gmail dan juga sangat relevan bagi penggunanya tanpa meninggalkan kotak masuk gmail. Bagi dunia bisnis gadget ini nantinya juga dapat meningkatkan produktivitas kerja karyawan seperti dilansir di youtube beberapa hari kemarin :

Dan bagaiman untuk seorang blogger. manfaatnya apa buat kalian semua tentang gmail kontekstual gadget dari google ini nantinya. Tentunya setelah dirilis. Kita tunggu saja bagaimana manfaatnya, atau mungkin sobat punya informasi lainya mengenai gadget terbaru ini?:
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Belajar Menjadi Blogger Pribadi Master

Masih seputar tentang blog, setelah kemarin membahas mengenai Blogger Matre. Sekarang membahas mengenai Belajar menjadi Blogger pribadi master. Apa yang dimaksud dengan menjadi blogger pribadi master, dalam artian luas dari seorang newbi menuju master. Impian dari newbi menjadi master bukanlah suatu impian belaka tetapi impian yang harus dikejar jika anda ingin menjadi master entah dalam hal apapun baik sebagai seorang blogger. Pasti sahabat pernah bermimpi menjadi seorang master bukan, walaupun hanya sedetik, atau sekian detik.

Belajar menjadi blogger pribadi master sebenarnya
sederhana saja. Jika kita ingin menjadi blogger pribadi master yaitu dengan melihat, mengamati, dan menganalisa master dalam setiap gerak-geriknya dalam ngeblog dengan melihat, mengamati dan menganalisa. Yang kita lihat, amati, dan analisa adalah:

1.Cara pandang dan penuangan pemikiran didalam setiap postingan
Kita lihat bagaimana seorang master menuangkan idenya didalam postingan dan bagaimana gaya bahasanya, pasti sangat menarik dan membius kita untuk terus membacanya dari awal sampai akhir. Dan kita pasti akan menunggu postingan-postingan jenius lainya dari seorang master.
2. Cara membalas komentar dari pembaca
Jawaban seorang master kepada komentar dari seorang pembaca sudah dapat dilihat bahwa dia adalah seorang master. Seorang master akan membalas pertanyaan komentar dengan baik, jelas dan penuh berisi dengan informasi yang memuaskan pembaca.
3. Menganalisa tampilan blog seorang master blogger
Kita dapat menganalisa tampilan blog seorang master, dengan menganalisa akses keblognya, dan keseluruhan dari isi blognya.

Selain dari cara diatas tentunya kita juga harus bekerja keras, fokus-fokus dan fokus, mengikuti perkembangan dan selalu belajar dengan siapapun.

Semoga dapat menjadi acuan untuk belajar menjadi blogger pribadi master. Saya tekankan disini bahwa mencontoh seorang master bukan berarti kita meniru pribadi mereka akan tetapi dengan mencontoh mereka dengan melihat, mengamati, dan menganalisisa kita akan menjadi pribadi master yang unik dan berbeda dengan master-master yang lain dengan gaya pemikiran kita dan jadilah diri sendiri sesuai kata hati. Maaf apabila ada yang kurang berkenan dan sobat ingin menambahi atau mempunyai pemikiran tersendiri mengenai belajar menjadi blogger pribadi master silahkan meninggalkan komentar dibawah ini.

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Apakah anda termasuk Blogger Matre?

Apakah anda termasuk blogger matre? itu pernah terdengar olehku. Suatu pertanyaan dari sahabat ku sekaligus teman dalam sharing blogger. Blogger matre, blogger seperti apakah yang dimaksud. Bagaimana bisa seorang blogger bisa dikatakan atau dikategorikan menjadi blogger matre.
Pertanyaan tentang apakah anda termasuk blogger matre? menggelitik dihati dan membuat aku penasaran. Jelas melihat pandangan pertama tentang blogger matre condong ke konotasi negatif. Karena matre identik dengan cewek yang suka memoroti uang dan yang dipikirkan hanya uang(maaf jikalau ada yang tersinggung tubir minta maaf). Dan kemudian saya bertanya dalam hati, "kalau blogger matre memoroti apaan ya? masak mlorotin celana...hehehee". Akhirnya tubir seorang newbi ini minta petunjuk kepada penguasa jagad search angine, batara eyang google. Setelah dirasa cukup akhirnya tubir tahu apa itu blogger matre.
Sebagian besar dari pandangan sahabat blogger tidak mengerucut ke arah negatif. Pandangan itu bahwa blogger matre adalah seorang blogger selain memberi informasi tetapi juga ingin meraup penghasilan dengan blog. Walaupun begitu blogger matre juga ada yang hanya mementingkan penghasilan tanpa memperhatikan kualitas sebuah postingan atau informasi. Blogger matre untuk mendapatkan penghasilan ada banyak jalan, entah dari ppc, affiliasi, dan masih banyak lagi.

Buatku blogger matre adalah sah-sah saja karena jujur saya juga termasuk blogger matre disamping memberikan infomasi saya juga ingin berharap mendapatkan penghasilan dari ngeblog. Kenapa seorang blogger ingin mendapatkan penghasilan dari blog, jawaban simple karena mereka ingin bisa bertahan hidup, dan contoh kecil seperti saya newbi yang hidup didesa dengan ekonomi pas-pasan perlu memutar otak agar newbi ini bisa eksis didunia maya untuk berbagi ilmu, mendapatkan ilmu, mendapatkan sahabat dan juga mendapatkan penghasilan di dunia maya. Itu adalah pandangan mengenai blogger matre, mungkin sobat mempunyai pandangan berbeda mengenai blogger matre atau apakah anda termasuk blogger matre silahkan memberikan komentar. Terimakasih semoga bermanfaat buat sobat pembaca semuanya.
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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fungsi award kamus blogger

Setelah postingan dengan memancing dengan jurus informasi linkbaiting yang agak nyeleneh dan takut dibata merah sama google dikira spam (tetapi informatif lho). Sekarang saya ingin berbicara mengenai fungsi award kamus blogger. Taukah sobat apa sebenarnya fungsi dari award. Apakah semacam hadiah atau penghargaan saja.

Buat saya seorang newbi fungsi award itu tidak hanya sebuah penghargaan atau hadiah kepada sahabat blogger. Sebelumnya maaf saya langsung menunjuk blogger karena sudah saya beri batasan masalahnya tentang dunia ngeblog agar postingan fungsi award kamus blogger tidak merambat kemana-mana diluar jalur. Karena banyak sekali blogger yang membuat judulnya meraman kemana-mana atau tidak sesuai dengan judulnya. contoh nyata postingan sendiri"Ngeblog sekarang haram"heheheee( maaf om saya hilaf, ampun om saya tidak lagi lagi @lebay mode=on). Oke balik lagi ke inti postingan mengenai fungsi award.

Menurut saya/newbi selain sebagai hadiah atau penghargaan kepada sahabat blogger yang menurut kita peduli dan respect dengan kita. fungsi award antara lain :
  • Sebagai hadiah atau penghargaan kepada sahabat blogger yang menurut kita respet peduli kepada kita
  • Sebagai penyemangat kepada sahabat blogger yang menerima award tersebut.
  • Award juga dapat digunakan untuk menghargai lain sesuai dengan tema awardnya

Berkenaan dengan fungsi diatas dan karena kebetulan tubir mendapatkan Award dari sahabat sapi dan kebo, maka tubir akan menghadiahkan balik , membagikan balik, dan menghargai balik tanpa syarat apapun(seperti promosi yang akhir2 ini marak saja pake tanpa syarat), kepada sahabatku yang peduli dengan coretanku adalah.

Silahkan diambil sobat yang lebih peduli dengan ku, walaupun sobat yang lain juga peduli sengan tubir. Sekali lagi award ini saya berikan tidak menggunakan syarat apapun, dan award ini mau dipasang silahkan, tidak dipasang juga tidak masalah, dan mau dibagikan kepada sahabat yang lain juga boleh. Yang penting award ini tidak menjadikan beban bagi sobat. Terimakasih. Apabila ada sobat juga yang ingin sharing atau tambahan jika dirasa kurang mengenai fungsi award silahkan meninggalkan pesan untuk saya tambahkan di postingan fungsi award menurut kamus blogger ini.

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Friday, February 19, 2010

NgeBlog sekarang haram

Sebelum menjelaskan tentang NgeBlog sekarang haram, lebih baik berbicara dahulu mengenai perkembangan blog. Blog dalam kurun beberapa tahun ini meningkat sangat pesat, karena di iringi dengan fasilitas internet yang kian hari kian waktu semakin mudah didapatkan, entah menggunakan fasilitas dari warnet, kantor, hotspot gratis, atau yang sekarang menggunakan kartu prabayar yang semakin murah dengan fasilitas unlimited kita bisa ngeblog, ngetweet, facebukan atau ngenet kesana kemari.

Sahabat kira-kira menurut sahabat banyakan haramnya atau halal nya. Walah maksdnya apa ini? kok malah balas bertanya kepada sahabat blogger. Dan malah membuat sensasi yang kontroversial seperti RPM atau MUI. Wah postingan hoax ini. Sabar sahabat blogger semua, jangan dibata merah seperti di forum ketika ada yang tidak berkenan lalu semua orang membabi buta dengan melempar bata merah atau menjatuhi vonis tanpa melalui peradilan. Saya tidak ingin membuat masalah tambah menjadi masalah.

Sebenarnya saya (newbi) ingin mencoba membuat informasi tentang linkbaiting. bukan untuk mencari pesona menjadi selebriti dunia maya dengan kontrovesinya dengan judul ngawur dan tanpa fakta yang jelas. Salah bukan itu yang saya harapkan. maksud saya disini adalah dengan jurus tiktak linkbaiting kata senior blogger, dan saya tekankan isinnya bukan postingannya tentang judul diatas Ngeblog sekarang haram. Walah ngomong dari tadi kalau pengen menjelaskan tentang linkbaiting. Maaf-maaf sobat semua newbi seperti saya pengen nyoba linkbaiting dengan judul kontrovesial dampaknya bagaimana seperti itu.

Saya (newbi) akan mencoba menerangkan apa itu linkbaiting. Linkbaiting adalah sebuah pikiran gagasan dituangkan ke dalam posting yang baru, fresh, menarik, kontoversial menurut pembaca Jadi intinya agar pembaca terpancing dengan postingan kita. Taktik ini sering diturunkan seorang master ke newbi untuk mendongkrak trafic seorang newbi ( tetapi jangan salah saya dapatnya bukan langsung dari master lho ya). Tubir apakah itu sah? kalau kata master-master sih sahhh sah sajaaaa(sambil berdendang) tetapi ada yang bilang bahwa ini jurus blackhat seo. Contoh judul linkbaiting dengan jenisnya seperti

  • "Ngeblog sekarang haram" judul seperti ini disebut linkbaiting informatif
  • "Maria Ozawa sudah tobat dan memakai kerudung" judul seperti ini disebut linkbaiting kontroversial atau melawan arus
  • "Hanya semalam langsung kaya dengan modal dengkul" judul seperti ini disebut iming-iming

Masih banyak lagi judul-judul linkbaiting beserta jenisnya. Dengan judul-judul seperti diatas pembaca akan tertarik dan terpancing untuk membaca. Padahal isinya tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Tetapi tiktak ini kembali kepada sahabat blogger semua apakah fresh, menarik, bermanfaat atau menurut sobat penipuan besar-besaran. Semua terserah sahabat blogger. Mohon pendapatnya tetang jurus linkbaiting ini. Terimakasih salam untuk sahabat blogger semua. Maaf jika sobat blogger semua terkecoh, terpancing dengan judul diatas yang berbeda dengan isinya dan tidak bekenan dihati.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Google adsense Tips

Like annihilation else, you’ll get out of Google Adsense what you put into it. The afterward enhancement tips can advice you abound your Google Adsense dollars:
  • Write absorbing agreeable and address every day.

  • Have added than one site. The added sites you have, the added ads accept the potential to get clicked.
  • Set up channels and adviser your statistics beyond all sites. If one website is performing poorly, accede alteration the agreeable or the ad layout. Experiment!
  • Change the ad blueprint and apprehension which blueprint works the best for you. There are many altered blueprint options and there’s no way you can apperceive traveling in which one will accomplish the best.
  • If you’re blogging, has a account of assisting topics. They accompaniment that you don’t accept to address on those capacity but you ability accord it a try or at atomic plug some of them in to the seek engines.
  • Google altered key words and phrases and apprehension how abundant and what kinds of agreeable and ads you see
Google adsense tips may be useful to readers on this blog. Who had refused to come to the blog bluff

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tips-tips Ujian Nasional

Setelah beberapa hari disibukkan dengan mewabahnya Tag sekarang ada baiknya membahas mengenai Tips-tips Ujian Nasional bagi adik-adik kita yang akan bertarung nanti sekitar akhir maret. sebagai orang yang ikut serta dalam mensukseskan pendataan ujian khususnya di jawa tengah, ada baiknya juga memberikan tips persiapan ujian agar nanti tidak fatal dalam pelaksanaanya. Sebenarnya tips-tips ini biasa dan sudah sering di dengar dan dibahas, namun banyak yang melewatkannya.

Berikut ini ada 7 tips Ujian Nasional yang dapat membantu adik-adik sukses dalam Ujian Nasional

  1. Sebelum Ujian mempersiapkan materi yang akan di ujikan serta membahas soal-soal Ujian tahun lalu ( berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri).
  2. Ketika hari H pelaksanaan datang lebih awal, dan semua perlengkapan untuk mengerjakan soal-soal, tanpa terkecuali Kartu peserta ujian ( sepele tapi penting).
  3. Berdoa sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan Ujian ( penting)
  4. Isi data diri di Lembar jawaban dengan teliti karena pengelaman saya di Lingkungan pendidikan apabila nomer peserta salah itu sangat fatal karena bisa mengakibatkan data salah. Jadi cek dengan teliti setelah mengisi data diri.
  5. Mengerjakan Ujian Nasional dengan tenang teliti dan tenang tetapi waspada
  6. Pada waktu mengerjakan baca dahulu pertanyaan soalnya jangan kalimatnya dulu. karena tidak efisien waktu ( pengalaman dari guru).
  7. Setelah selesai review dahulu semua jawaban agar tidak ada jawaban yang tidak terisi
Oke semoga tips-tips ujian nasional diatas dapat membantu dan mensukseskan ujian nasional yang sebentar lagi akan di gelar. Dan ada 3 lagi dapat melaksanakan ujian harus Jujur, Kerja keras dan Prestasi yang harus dicapai. Jangan pernah takut untuk menghadapi ujian karena itu bukan momok yang menakutkan. Buat adik-adik semua yang akan melaksanakan ujian semoga lancar dan tidak ada halangan suatu apapun. Semangat semangat semangat

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tag Valentine bertema Buku

Tag apaan ya... setelah aku baca-baca ternyata adalah membagi sesuatu atau sharing informasi tentang pembuat tag. Tag bisa bertema apa saja. Dan kemarin tanggal 13 saya dapat tag dari sobat van yang bertema tag buku yang kita baca. Akan tetapi untuk judul tidak saya beri nama tag buku, kenapa seperti itu karena hari ini saya membuat tag bertepatan dengan hari kasih sayang(sebenarnya hari biasa-biasa saja buat saya) maka saya beri judul Tag Valentine bertema Buku.

Oke sobat tidak panjang lebar saya akan membagikan refernsi yang biasa tubir baca di Tag valentine bertema buku ini yang memberikan motivasi, ilmu, pembangkit pemikiran dan cara pandang saya dan info lainya. referensi itu antara lain:

Alquran karya Allah yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad adalah refernsi sepanjang masa dan Alqur'an adalah buku yang paling aku suka. Kenapa bagitu karena setiap hari Tubir selalu menyempatkan untuk nderes(ngaji) sebelum melakukan aktivitas dipagi hari. 1 hari saja tidak membaca Al Qur'an terasa ada kurang dan kepikiran. Amanat dari guru smp saya " Setiap hari bacalah Al qur'an barang satu ayat saja karena akan mendapatkan kebaikan bagimu" maka selalu terngiang-ngiang di hati. Bagiku Al qur'an adalah pegangan hidup sampai akhir hayatku.

La Tahzan karya Dr ' Aidh al-Qarni adalah buku yang sangat bagus sekali untuk memandang segala sesuatu dari sudut pandang positif. La tahzan artinya jangan bersedih maka buku ini sangat cocok bagi yang selalu bersedih agar dapat tersenyum kembali. Namun buku ini baik dibaca oleh semua orang karena isinya mantap banget.

Laskar pelangi karya Andrea Hirata berkisah tentang perjalanan untuk mendappatkan ilmu di tengah kawasan yang miskin ilmu karena masalah biaya. Semangatnya sangat memberikan motivasi bagi kita semua

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy adalah novel berkisah tentang perjuangan seorang manusia di Mesir untuk menimba ilmu di samping untuk berjuang bertahan hidup bagi Keluarganya. Novel ini sangat menyentuh dan indah sekali.

Rahas karyaia Sukses Menghasilkan Uang dengan Google Adsense karya Conradsharry adaah ebook yang berisi tentang tips-tips dalam berkecimpung dunia adsense. Buku ini sangat menarik sekali. sehingga juga menjadi referensi.

Itu referensi di Tag Valentine bertema buku yang dapat menjadi refensi kalian yang saya sangat sarankan. Dan tak lupa karena ini amanat dari Vanmovic maka Tag ini juga saya amanah balikkan kepada sobat blogger yang telah masuk di Kampoeng Link Friend di widgetku. Mohon diambil sobat semua
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Undangan komunitas BeBlog " Amprokan Blogger 2010"

Sebelumnya saya berterimakasih kepada mbak ajenk karena telah membuat undangan temu Blogger 2010 "Amprokan Blogger 2010" dari komunitas blogger bekasi atau Beblog kepada tubir. Sungguh saya sangat senang sekali dan bangga, karena saya didunia ngeblog masih newbi sangat dan kalau pepatah andalan saya adalah" saya hanyalah anak kecil yang kebetulan ngeblog"sehingga buat tubir undangan itu begitu terkesan sekali.

Undangan komunitas Beblog saya terima beberapa hari yang lalu. Waktu itu ketika saya sedang asyik ngeblog dengan leletnya dimalam hari, tiba-tiba dikejutkan dengan pesan sms dari seseorang yang tak terdeteksi di hp tubir. Kemudian tubir baca ternyata adalah sebuah pesan singkat menerangkan tentang sebuah undangan konfirmasi temu blog dari bekasi. Setelah 2 pesan singkat baru tahu ternyata pengirimnya adalah mbak ajenk dari komunitas blog bekasi. Oh ya kalau sobat ingin ikut silahkan daftar langsung ke blog Beblog atau mbak ajenk terbuka untuk semua blogger indonesia, buruan karena terbatas.

Selang beberapa hari tubir mendapatkan kiriman email dari mbak ajenk tentang undangan temu blogger yang bersifat resmi. Setelah saya baca tentang isi undangan itu ternyata sangat menarik sekali tentang acara-acara apa saja yang digelar di temu blogger"Amprokan Blogger 2010" tersebut. Sebenarnya tubir sangat ingin sekali mengikuti acara tersebut karena sangat mempunyai nilai positifnya yang lebih seperti bagaimana cara memanage sebuah komunitas blog karena tubir dengan kawan-kawan juga dalam waktu dekat ini sedang mulai menyiapkan sebuah komunitas blog di kota salatiga yang terkenal dengan wedangrondenya ini( ngiklan dikit ah). Disamping itu juga menambah teman dan wawasan ( ini tubir sangat suka). Tubir tidak dapat memenuhi undangan tersebut dikarenakan sedang fokus dengan TA tubir yang insyaallah segera kelar dan juga mengenai tugas yang harus tubir kerjakan dikantor tentang masalah pendataan ujian yang sebentar lagi harus selesai.

Semoga komunitas blogger bekasi bisa memakluminya dan apabila nanti akan mengadakan acara seperti itu kami akan senang mendapatkan undangan lagi. Dan semoga acara tersebut bisa lancar tanpa ada kendala apapun dan selamat ulang tahun untuk komunitas blogger bekasi. semangat terus

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Home facebook ganti baju

Sobat semua sudah tahu kan Home facebook ganti baju kemarin tepatnya tanggal berapa saya tidak tahu. Tetapi yang pasti saya merasakan Home facebook berubah itu baru kemarin. Saya tanya tentang home baru itu ternyata punya teman saya sudah pada berubah cuman punya saya yang belum sungguh-sungguh terlalu. Tetapi itu tidak masalah tentang home facebook baru itu, yang penting tidak mengurangi niat saya untuk membuka facebook itu.

Didalam pikiran saya apakah ini berkaitan dengan jejaring sosial baru yaitu Google Buzz , dan dengar kabar juga karena Facebook ultah ke-6 mungkin iya mungkin tidak atau coba tanya saja keluarga besar facebook hehehee. Akan tetapi itu tidak menjadi masalah, disini tubir akan memberi informasi mengenai home facebook ganti baju. Facebook merenovasi homenya menjadi simple diliat dari screenshoot dibawah ini.

Kalau diliat dari tampilan seperti diatas terlihat lebih simple dan memudahkan penggunanya. walaupun kita harus beradaptasi sebentar. Sebenarnya tidak terlal besar perubahannya cuman di tombol-tombol dipindah ke sebelah kiri dan juga kolom search sekarang ditaruh diatas tengah persis dan mencolok juga untuk memudahkan sobat semua. itu menurut pendapatku tentang home facebook ganti baju. Mungkin sobat ada yang berpendapat lain mengenai ganti baju ini. Unek-unek sobat bisa dicurahkan di pesan komentar dibawah. Saya akan sangat senang sekali.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Google Buzz Jejaring Soasial Baru

Sobat semua ada yang pernah dengar Google Buzz belum?. Google Buzz jejaring Sosial Baru dari perusahaan rakasasa Internet Google. Google Buzz mencoba menggabungkan jumlah pengguna Gmail dengan fitur -fitur yang diadopsi dari jejaring sosial macam Facebook dan Twitter. Gabungan tersebut kemudian disebut dengan nama Google Buzz. Untuk arti Buzz nya saya kurang tau bisa di cari di empunya yang buat.

Penyedia layanan internet terbesar di dunia ini mencoba menarik para pengguna jejaring sosial lewat Buzz. Dalam fitur ini, mereka dimungkinkan untuk berbagi pesan, link internet, hingga foto secara cepat ke teman satu jaringan mereka di bawah naungan Gmail. Penyatuan Buzz secara langsung dengan Gmail merupakan upaya Google untuk meningkatkan jumlah pengguna Gmail yang disiasati melalui minat penggunaan jejaring sosial yang cukup pesat. "Selalu ada kesempatan untuk membuat jejaring sosial yang besar di bawah asuhan Gmail," ujar Google Product Manager Todd Jackson.

Menurut ComScore, Gmail sendiri saat ini merupakan layanan penyedia web email ketiga terbesar di dunia dengan jumlah pengunjung unik mencapai 176,5 juta hingga Desember lalu. Posisi 1 dan 2 diduduki oleh Windows Liva Hotmail milik Microsoft dan Yahoo Mail, dengan jumlah unique visitor masing-masing sekira 369,2 juta dan 303,7 juta.

Google sendiri baru akan meluncurkan Buzz secara resmi pada beberapa hari ke depan, dalam waktu dekat. Nantinya, pesan status yang diposting dalam Buzz akan bisa terlihat secara otomatis dalam indeks hasil pencarian Google. Namun ada juga pengaturan privasi untuk tampilan postingan tersebut.

Buzz juga mampu menampilkan pesan postingan dari jejaring sosial milik pihak ketiga seperti Twitter namun sebaliknya, postingan yang berasal dari Buzz tidak bisa ditampilkan di Twitter. Sedangkan untuk postingan status dari Facebook, pihak Google menyatakan, hal itu belum bisa dilakukan. Namun begitu, Buzz dapat menampilkan foto dan video posting dari YouTube dan Picasa.
Oke kita lihat saja bagaimana gebrakan dari Google ini apakah mampu untuk mengalahkan kedua raksasa jejaring sosial facebook dan Twitter.

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Friday, February 5, 2010

unemployment rate 2010

Unemployment occurs if a being is accessible and accommodating to plan but currently after work.[1] The prevalence of unemployment is usually abstinent application the unemployment rate, which is authentic as the allotment of those in the activity force who are unemployed. The unemployment rate 2010 is aswell acclimated in bread-and-butter studies and bread-and-butter indices such as the United States' Conference Board's Index of Leading Indicators as a admeasurement of the accompaniment of macroeconomics.

Mainstream economics believes in the capital that unemployment is inevitable, and a all-important angry to anticipate inflation; this is acknowledged by some schools of agnostic economics. The causes of unemployment are disputed. Keynesian economics emphasizes unemployment consistent from bereft able appeal for appurtenances and casework in the abridgement (cyclical unemployment). Others point to structural problems and inefficiencies inherent in labour markets; structural unemployment involves mismatches amid appeal and accumulation of laborers with the all-important skillset, sometimes induced by confusing technologies or globalisation. Classical or neoclassical economics tends to adios these explanations, and focuses added on rigidities imposed on the activity bazaar from the outside, such as unionization, minimum allowance laws, taxes, and added regulations that may abash the hiring of workers (classical unemployment). Yet others see unemployment as abundantly due to autonomous choices by the unemployed and the time it takes to acquisition a new job (frictional unemployment). Behavioral economics highlights phenomena such as adhesive accomplishment and ability accomplishment which may advance to unemployment.

There is aswell altercation on how absolutely to admeasurement unemployment. Altered countries acquaintance altered levels of unemployment; traditionally, the United States adventures lower unemployment levels than countries in the European Union,[2] although there is alternative there, with countries like the UK and Denmark outperforming Italy and France and it aswell changes over time (e.g. the Great Depression) throughout bread-and-butter cycles.
Involuntary unemployment

In The General Theory, Keynes argued that neo-classical bread-and-butter approach did not administer during recessions because of oversaving and clandestine broker timidity. In consequence, humans could be befuddled out of plan involuntarily and not be able to acquisition adequate new employment.

This battle amid the neoclassical and Keynesian theories has had able access on government policy. The addiction for government is to abbreviate and annihilate unemployment through increases in allowances and government jobs, and to animate the job-seeker to both accede new careers and alteration to addition city.

Involuntary unemployment does not abide in agrarian societies nor is it formally accustomed to abide in arrested but burghal societies, such as the mega-cities of Africa and of India/Pakistan. In such societies, a al of a sudden unemployed being accept to accommodated their adaptation needs either by accepting a new job at any price, acceptable an entrepreneur, or abutting the underground abridgement of the hustler.[3]

Involuntary unemployment is discussed from the anecdotal standpoint in belief by Ehrenreich, the anecdotal folklore of Bourdieu, and novels of amusing adversity such as John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath.


Societies try a amount of altered measures to get as abounding humans as accessible into work, and assorted societies accept accomplished abutting to abounding application for continued periods, decidedly during the Post-World War II bread-and-butter expansion. The United Kingdom in the 1950s and 60s averaged 1.6% unemployment,[4] while in Australia the 1945 White Paper on Abounding Application in Australia accustomed a government action of abounding employment, which action lasted until the 1970s.

Mainstream economics back the 1970s believes about that attempts to abate the akin of unemployment above the Natural amount of unemployment will fail, consistent alone in beneath achievement and added inflation.

Roubini Sees Unemployment Amount at 11% in 2010 Professor Nouriel Roubini predicts in a Forbes commodity that the unemployment amount could hit 10% by after this summer–around August or September–and will be afterpiece to 10.5%, if not 11%, by year-end.

From Forbes:

It’s bright that even if the recession were to be over anytime soon–and it’s not traveling to be over afore the end of the year–job losses are traveling to abide for at atomic addition year and a half.

The unemployment amount rose alone hardly from 9.4% to 9.5%, but that’s because so abounding humans are beat that they exited the activity force voluntarily and accordingly are not counted in the official unemployment rate.

The added important aspect of the activity bazaar is that if the unemployment amount is traveling to aiguille about 11% next year, the accepted losses for banks on their loans and balance are traveling to be abundant college than the ones estimated in the contempo accent tests. You bung an unemployment amount of 11% in any archetypal of accommodation losses and accretion ante and you get actual animal losses for subprime, near-prime, prime, home disinterestedness accommodation lines, acclaim cards, auto loans, apprentice loans, advantage loans and bartering loans–much bigger numbers than what the accent tests projected.

Roubini aswell addendum in his section that based on the antecedent claims for unemployment benefits, it’s added acceptable that the job losses are afterpiece to 600K per ages rather than the abstracts clearly appear by the the Bureau of Activity Statistics.

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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Features iPad

New products from Apple (Steve Jobs) has attracted many people, especially for apple lovers. All of the built-in apps on iPad were designed from the ground up to take advantage of the large Multi-Touch screen. And they work in any orientation. So you can do things with these apps that you can’t do on any other device.


The large Multi-Touch screen on iPad lets you see web pages as they were meant to be seen — one page at a time. With vibrant color and sharp text. So whether you’re looking at a page in portrait or landscape, you can see everything at a size that’s actually readable. And with iPad, navigating the web has never been easier or more intuitive. Because you use the most natural pointing device there is: your finger. Scroll through a page just by flicking your finger up or down on the screen. Or pinch to zoom in or out on a photo. There’s also a thumbnail view that shows all your open pages in a grid, to let you quickly move from one page to the next.

Mail iPad

See and touch your email in ways you never could before. In landscape, you get a split-screen view showing both an opened email and the messages in your inbox. To see the opened email by itself, turn iPad to portrait, and the email automatically rotates and fills the screen. No matter which orientation you use, you can scroll through your mail, compose a new email using the large, onscreen keyboard, or delete messages with nothing more than a tap and a flick. If someone emails you a photo, you can see it right in the message. You can also save the photos in an email directly to the built-in Photos app. And iPad works with all the most popular email providers, including MobileMe, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, and AOL.

Photos iPad

With its crisp, vibrant display and unique software features, iPad is an extraordinary way to enjoy and share your photos. For example, the Photos app displays the photos in an album as though they were in a stack. Just tap the stack, and the whole album opens up. From there, you can flip through your pictures, zoom in or out, or watch a slideshow. You can even use your iPad as a beautiful digital photo frame while it’s is docked or charging. And there are lots of ways to import photos: You can sync them from your computer, download them from an email, or import them directly from your camera using the optional Camera Connection Kit.

* Star Trek is available on iTunes.

Video iPad

The large, high-resolution screen makes iPad perfect for watching any kind of video: from HD movies and TV shows to podcasts and music videos. Switch between widescreen and full screen with a double-tap. Because iPad is essentially one big screen, with no distracting keypad or buttons, you feel completely immersed in whatever you’re watching.

The YouTube app organizes videos so they’re easy to see and navigate. To watch one, just tap it. When you’re watching in landscape, the video automatically plays in full screen. And with its high-resolution display, iPad makes the latest HD YouTube videos look positively amazing.


With the iPod app, all your music is literally at your fingertips. Browse by album, song, artist, or genre with a simple flick. To play a song, just tap it. iPad even displays album art at full size. Listen to your music with the powerful built-in speaker or with wired or Bluetooth wireless headphones.


A tap of the iTunes store icon lets you browse and buy music, TV shows, and podcasts — or buy and rent movies — wirelessly, right from your iPad. Choose from thousands of movies and TV shows (in both standard and high definition), along with thousands of podcasts and millions of songs. Preview songs before you buy them. Or just sync iPad with the content you already have in your iTunes library on your Mac or PC.

App Store

iPad runs almost 140,000 apps from the App Store. Everything from games to business apps and more. And new apps designed specially for iPad are highlighted, so you can easily find the ones that take full advantage of its features. Just tap the App Store icon on the screen to browse, buy, and download apps wirelessly, right to the iPad.


The iBooks app is a great new way to read and buy books.* Download the free app from the App Store and buy everything from classics to best sellers from the built-in iBookstore. Once you’ve bought a book, it’s displayed on your Bookshelf. Just tap it to start reading. The high-resolution, LED-backlit screen displays everything in sharp, rich color, so it’s easy to read, even in low light.


See more of the world with high-resolution satellite and street view images. Even see topography with the new terrain view. You can also search for a nearby business type (“Restaurant,” for example), then tap the business to see the route and directions from your current location.


With its expansive display and large, onscreen keyboard, iPad makes jotting down notes easy. In landscape view, you see not only a note-taking page but a list of all your notes. iPad even circles the current note in red, so you can see where you are at a glance.


iPad makes it easy to stay on schedule by displaying day, week, month, or list views of your calendar. You can see an overview of a whole month or the details of a single day. iPad even shows multiple calendars at once, so you can manage work and family schedules at the same time.


The Contacts app on iPad makes finding names, numbers, and other important information quicker and easier than ever before. A new view lets you see both your complete contacts list and a single contact simultaneously. Need directions? Tap an address inside a contact and iPad automatically opens Maps.

Home Screen

The Home Screen gives you one-tap access to everything on iPad. You can customize your Home Screen by adding your favorite apps and websites or using your own photos as the background. And you can move apps around to arrange them in any order you want.

Spotlight Search

Spotlight Search allows you to search across iPad and all of its built-in apps, including Mail, Contacts, Calendar, iPod, and Notes. It even searches apps you’ve downloaded from the App Store. So no matter what you’re looking for, it’s never more than a few taps away.


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Steve Jobs Biography

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs Biography (Steven Paul Jobs): CEO Apple Computers + CEO Pixar Animation Studios
Famous for : Being a major force behind the success of Apples computers and for being an innovative technology and Internet entrepreneur.
Jobs details : Born - 24th of February, 1955 USA / Lives - United States of America

Steve Jobs is the Chairman, CEO and co-founder of Apple Inc., a leading manufacturer of electronic devices including the Macintosh Computer (MAC), iPod, iPhone, and the music and video software itunes. He was CEO of Pixar Animation Studios until it was acquired by Disney in 2006. Although he is known as a business and sales wizard, Steve Jobs is credited with many of the electronic inventions now patented by Apple.

Steven Paul Jobs was born in San Francisco to Joanne Carole Schieble and Syrian Abdulfattah John Jandali and adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He attended the Cupertino Middle School followed by high school at Homestead H.S. in the same town of Cupertino. He spent his childhood in the South Bay area, a region that would later become known as Silicon Valley. During high school Jobs held a summer job at the Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto prior to attending college. His original association with Steven Wozniak began as a result of attending lectures and working at HP.

Although he attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, Steve Jobs never graduated, having only spent about six months at college. He returned to California in 1974 and began attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club with his friend Wozniak. At the same time he took a job at Atari to save money for a spiritual retreat to India. While working there he discovered that a popular whistle recreated the tones needed to make long distance phone calls with AT&T. Jobs convinced Wozniak to go into business with him to create "blue boxes" and sell them to people wishing to make free long distance phone calls.

Jobs ended up backpacking through India but returned to work with Atari. He continued to work with Wozniak on other projects and finally convinced him to market a computer Wozniak had built for himself. On April 1, 1976, Apple Inc. was born. Although the business started with printed circuit boards, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs eventually created their first personal computer, the Apple I, and sold it for $666.66. They later followed it with the Apple II, a large success for their business. Apple Inc. began selling shares in December of 1980.

As the company grew, so did its merchandise and the hugely successful Macintosh was introduced to the public in 1984 and became the first personal computer with a graphical user interface (GUI) through which individuals could interact with the items on the screen. As Apple grew even more, Jobs experienced tension with the board and the struggles led to Jobs leaving Apple in May of 1985.

Steve Jobs went on to create the company called NeXT in 1986. Although it began as a company designed around aesthetic interpersonal computing, it later focused more on software development. NeXT ended up playing a major role in the development of email and the world wide web.

Apple bought NeXT in 1996 and reinstated Jobs as the Chief Executive Officer. His current annual salary is $1, but he receives executive gifts from the board that give better tax advantages than does his salary. He is well known for his work ethic as well as his rumored temper, but has consistently helped to grow Apple from a company bordering on bankruptcy in the 1990s to a very successful company today. Steve Jobs has helped establish the new electronic divisions and personally helped to create the ipod, iphone, and other personal devices.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Best Blogging Sites

Today I traveling to allocution about my admired best blogging sites I could account a agglomeration of humans actuality but I traveling to stick with two that I assume to consistently appear aback to. It seems I am aways award abundant new bloggers but over the endure year actuality it the two that I consistently visit.

David Risley and Extreme John

Even admitting these blogs are actual altered they accept a lot of things that are common.

What they both do actual well

* The blog consistently about consistently 5 or added times a week

* The collaborate with their readers

* The are business men they run their blogs like a business and allocution about it

* The accommodate a ton of amount

* Professional searching blogs with nice cartoon and pictures

* The accumulate it real

David Risley

Now lets talk a little bit more about David. So I been reading David Blog for about a year now not sure exactly how I came across his blog but I think it might have been from Yaro’s blog role. I was attracted to David’s blog because of his story. David is a 6 figure blogger and he writes about it and the pro blogging life style. He was posting monthly income reports at one time and I was very jealous and intrigued by his post a free e-book where he tells his story about how he make 12,000k while on vacation.

I started dreaming about writing a similar post someday and I will. David has a couple products you can see a banner to the right for his Blog Master Club that is about to open. One thing I can tell you about David is he is the real deal and he always over delivers. His blog has exploded over the last year but you can always learn something from this guy.
Extreme John

Now John I am sure I meet via Blog Engage as he was leaving comments here pretty regular at one time and I make it a habit to visit those that comment. I must say at first I was scared away from John’s Blog cause of all the pictures of hot women. I found them to be a little distracting and that kind of stuff tends to get me in trouble with my wife. I think it just happened the 1st day I came to his blog it was a post about a party at the playboy mansion or something.

Then over time I came back a few more times and got to know John and found his post very helpful and entertaining. John is a very interesting story one I am jealous of but glad he blogs about it as you can really also learn a lot from this guy. He is a real brick and mortar CEO blogger. He runs a bunch of real offline business then blogs about them and other various things. John runs insane Limos and then 5 or 6 tanning and smoothie shops. You will find a mix of rants and rave and blogging tips on his site.
Do you have a favorite blog that you always visit?

If so take some time to write a blog post about it and enter the Blog Engage Weekly Word Challenge. This is my post for the word challenge. The word challenge is something I been running on the Blog Engage Blog for the last month. Every week I pick a topic based on votes and to enter you just have to write a post about that topic. It a great way to meet some new people and build some new relationships.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Golden Globe Winners List 2010

Golden Globe Awards 2010 Air Date: Sunday, January 17 on NBC

Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture

Penelope Cruz

Vera Farmiga
'Up in the Air'

Anna Kendrick
'Up in the Air'

Mo'Nique ( winner)
'Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire'

Julianne Moore
'A Single Man'

Best Actress in a Television Series, Comedy or Musical
Toni Collette (winner)
'United States of Tara'

Courteney Cox
'Cougar Town'

Tina Fey
'30 Rock'

Edie Falco
'Nurse Jackie'

Lea Michele

Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Neil Patrick Harris
'How I Met Your Mother'

Michael Emerson

Jeremy Piven

William Hurt

John Lithgow

Golden globes best Animated Feature Film
'Fantastic Mr. Fox'
'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs'
'The Princess and the Frog'

Best Actor in a Television Series, Drama
Simon Baker
'The Mentalist'

Michael C. Hall

Jon Hamm
'Mad Men'

Hugh Laurie

Bill Paxton
'Big Love'

Best Actress in a Television Series, Drama
Julianna Margulies
'The Good Wife'

Glenn Close

January Jones
'Mad Men'

Anna Paquin
'True Blood'

Kyra Sedgwick
'The Closer'

Best Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
'Grey Gardens'
'Into the Storm'
'Little Dorrit'
'Taking Chance'
'Georgia O'Keeffe'

Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Comedy
Sandra Bullock
'The Proposal'

Marion Cotillard

Julia Roberts

Meryl Streep
'It's Complicated'

Meryl Streep
'Julie and Julia'

Best Actor in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Kevin Bacon
'Taking Chance'

Kenneth Branagh
'Wallander: One Step Behind'

Chiwetel Ejiofor

Brendan Gleeson
'Into the Storm'

Jeremy Irons
'Georgia O'Keeffe'

Best Actress in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Joan Allen
'Georgia O'Keeffe'

Drew Barrymore
'Grey Gardens'

Jessica Lange
'Grey Gardens'

Anna Paquin
'The Courageous Heart of Irena Sendler'

Sigourney Weaver
'Prayers for Bobby'

Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
'The Hurt Locker'
Mark Boal

'District 9'
Neill Blomkamp, Terri Tatchell

'Inglourious Basterds'
Quentin Tarantino

'It's Complicated'
Nancy Meyers

'Up in the Air'
Jason Reitman, Sheldon Turner

Best Actor in a Television Series, Comedy or Musical
Alec Baldwin
'30 Rock'

Steve Carell
'The Office'

Thomas Jane

David Duchovny

Matthew Morrison

Best Foreign Language Film
'A Prophet'
'The White Ribbon'
'The Maid'

Best Television Series, Drama
'Big Love'
'Mad Men'
'True Blood'

Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television
Jane Adams

Rose Byrne

Jane Lynch

Janet McTeer
'Into the Storm'

Chloe Sevigny
'Big Love'

Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture
Matt Damon

Woody Harrelson
'The Messenger'

Christopher Plummer
'The Last Station'

Stanley Tucci
'The Lovely Bones'

Christoph Waltz (winner)
'Inglourious Basterds'

Best Director - Motion Picture
Kathryn Bigelow
'The Hurt Locker'

James Cameron

Clint Eastwood

Jason Reitman
'Up in the Air'

Quentin Tarantino
'Inglourious Basterds'

Best Televison Series, Comedy or Musical
'30 Rock'
'Modern Family'
'The Office'

Best Motion Picture, Comedy or Musical
'(500) Days of Summer'
'The Hangover' (winner)
'It's Complicated'
'Julie & Julia'

Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama
Emily Blunt
'The Young Victoria'

Sandra Bullock (winner)
'The Blind Side'

Helen Mirren
'The Last Station'

Carey Mulligan
'An Education'

Gabourey Sidibe
'Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire'

Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Comedy
Matt Damon
'The Informant!'
Daniel Day-Lewis
Robert Downey, Jr. (winner)
'Sherlock Holmes'
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
'(500) Days of Summer
Michael Stuhlbarg
'A Serious Man'

Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama
Jeff Bridges (winner)
'Crazy Heart'

George Clooney
'Up in the Air'

Colin Firth
'A Single Man'

Morgan Freeman

Tobey Maguire

Best Motion Picture, Drama
'Avatar' (winner)
'The Hurt Locker'
'Inglourious Basterds'
'Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire'
'Up in the Air

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tips for Business your Blog

The best you accept been blogging for the easier blog business gets. However, if this is your actual aboriginal blog and you are apprehensive how to get readers to it afresh you are in the appropriate place. Aboriginal let me just say that business your blog is traveling to crave patience, and getting consistent. You will accept to amend your blog frequently if you wish to accumulate readers advancing aback for more. We are all accusable of authoritative a blog, absent it to be great, putting alone one access into it and afresh never traveling aback to amend it again. I anticipate anybody in cyber apple has done this at one time or another. Here are some abundant tips to use if aggravating to get your blog out there and get new readers.

Make abiding that your blog has the clue aback feature. Let me acquaint you why. If you accept the clue aback affection on your blog, you are acceptance added humans to hotlink to your blog. Maybe anyone has a column to column on their blog that is accordant to one of yours. They can use the talkback to your post, and forward their readers to your blog so that they apperceive what they are apropos to. Addition acceptable affair to bethink is that if anyone gives you a clue back, it is a address to acknowledgment that to their blog if at all possible.

Having a Google annual and appointment a sitemap is about a accept to if you are blog marketing. Doing so will acquiesce Google to apperceive how generally you are afterlight your blog and they will automatically apperceive of any changes that you accept fabricated to it as well. This will let Google get those new pages indexed faster and get them into seek after-effects abundant quicker than if you did not accept the sitemap. There is a assertive way you accept to do the sitemap for Google, and they can explain that to you. Just apperceive this is an important footfall to blog marketing.

Exchanging links with ascendancy blogs and websites that are in your aforementioned bazaar is addition abundant way to get the chat out about your blog. The ascendancy sites are traveling to accept a college page rank, and will aswell be listed top in Google’s seek results. So do some searches and analysis those out and see if they are up to exchanging links. If they are not, you could consistently just add those into your blogroll. You do not charge permission to do that if they are not into linking. However, in the apple of blogs, a lot of blog owners are beholden for all links, and are accommodating to acknowledgment the favor.

You are traveling to wish to be abiding that all of your posts are formatted. Doing so will leave out any abashing for the seek engines and you will accept aggregate nice and accurate and all organized. The characterization tags are there for a acumen if you are ambidextrous with blogs. So application them and not abrogation them out is a abundant idea.

Tracking is addition allotment of blog business that is so actual important. You wish to be able to clue your visitors and clickers to apperceive area they are advancing from. You wish to be able to acquaint what keywords they searched on to acquisition your blog and area they did their searching. Doing so will advice yield out all of the assumption plan if it comes to blog marketing. You will apperceive what keywords are working, and which are not.

Allowing RSS feeds from your blog is aswell addition abundant blog business tool. You are traveling to acquisition that if you acquiesce RSS feeds, your blog is traveling to end up all over the internet with a hotlink aback to it and that is a acceptable thing. This is a admirable way to get links to your blog with little or no effort. Humans that subscribe to your blog’s RSS feeds are able to afresh column your blog posts on their sites or blogs. Which in acknowledgment gives you a hotlink on their website or page that they accept you on.

Blog business is alone as harder as you accomplish it. Get your blog to the top application harder plan and patience.

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Blog business

Blog business is simple if you apperceive what to do. You accept to be assiduous and wish success about if you wish your blog to do well. You cannot just accomplish a column and overlook about it. You accept to abide afterlight your blog and business it so that it will become accepted and one that anybody wants to read. There are added means as able-bodied that are acceptable business your blog. Accumulate account for added information.

Interviewing humans and announcement it on your blog is an accomplished way to bazaar it. Just be abiding that the humans that you account affect to the bazaar of your blog. You wish all of your posts to be relevant, including any interviews that you ability do. For example, if your blog bazaar was exhaustion cleaners, and you did an account with the buyer of Hoover exhaustion cleaner; that would absolutely affect to your market.

If you apprehend any account on the bazaar of your blog, be abiding that you column it. Anybody loves news, and accident he readers of your blog will accede you blogging about the accepted contest in the bazaar that you are blogging about. Something to accumulate in apperception if blogging about the account is the added accepted the news, the better. No one wants to reread old news, so it is a abundant abstraction to try and break as accepted as accessible if you are blogging about the news.

Contests are addition way that you finer bazaar your blog. Accepting contests on assorted things would be a lot of fun, and something that will accumulate your readers advancing back. Anybody loves to win things, and you can aswell accomplish the cost that you are giving abroad accordant to the bazaar you are announcement on your blog.

While acceptable agreeable is something that you will charge for your blog, you aswell wish to ensure that it is aboriginal agreeable as well. You can bazaar a blog with something that is affected and that you do not own the rights. Plagiarism will get you in agitation with Google as able-bodied as the being that originally wrote the content. Be abiding that all of your posts are ones that alone you own the rights too. This is a abundant affair to apperceive and do if you are business your blog.

Press releases are aswell an accomplished way to bazaar your blog. Sending out a columnist absolution or accepting one fabricated for you is a abundant idea. You will acquisition that they are even affordable for a lot of budgets, and some companies action a amalgamation accord for example, if you let us address your columnist absolution we will abide it for bisected price. Who could abide a accord such as that? Especially if you are allotment and aggravating to get the a lot of from your funds.

Comments on a blog are aswell a absolute important aspect of blog marketing. You will wish to be abiding that you consistently acknowledgment and accede the comments that are fabricated to your blog as able-bodied as others. If you appearance that you are an absolute being that can authority a conversation, you are assuming others that you are absolute and that you absolutely and absolutely accept the best intentions for your blog. Accomplish abiding that no animadversion goes unanswered.

Marketing a blog comes by itself for some and can be a little harder to focus on for others. Addition important affair that you will wish to do for your blog is to be abiding that you acquisition links. Exchange links, get one way links, and ask for added and added links. You will never accept abundant links to your blog. The added links the bigger in this case.

Blog business is not harder to do. Just be abiding that you chase all of the accurate and approved techniques that others are talking about and you won’t go wrong. Patience and adherence will pay off in the continued run.

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